1: 1. Italy's Feast of the Seven Fishes 2. Japan's KFC Christmas tradition 3. Spain's 12 grapes at New Year's

2: 4. Iceland's Fermented Shark 5. Scotland's haggis ceremony 6. South Africa's fried caterpillars

3: 7. India's colorful Holi festival 8. China's long noodles for longevity 9. Mexico's Day of the Dead bread

4: 10. Korea's spicy rice cake soup 11. Sweden's pickled herring feast 12. Ghana's Fufu pounding tradition

5: 13. France's Galette des Rois cake 14. Russia's pickled vegetable tradition 15. Egypt's traditional Ful Medames breakfast

6: 16. Brazil's Brigadeiro sweets ritual 17. Philippines' Balut egg delicacy 18. Greece's Vasilopita cake tradition

7: 19. Turkey's Baklava making ceremony 20. Vietnam's Tet holiday sticky rice cake 21. Jamaica's Christmas Sorrel drink tradition

8: 22. Germany's Oktoberfest beer festival 23. Ethiopia's Injera bread custom 24. Poland's Wigilia Christmas Eve feast

9: 25. Australia's Vegemite spread tradition 26. Peru's Guinea Pig delicacy 27. Morocco's Mint Tea serving ritual

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